Here’s a fun back to school object lesson for your preteen ministry!

  • Object: Markers
  • Topic: You are unique & valuable
  • Bible: 1 Corinthians 12:21


Get a whiteboard/white poster and as many different colored markers as you can find. 

Draw a line in each color on your whiteboard or poster. 

Mark your Bible to 1 Corinthians 12:21. 


Call up a volunteer to the whiteboard or poster. 

Go through the colored lines one at a time and have all your student’s raise their hands for which color they think is best. 

Have your volunteer write the number of hands raised for each color beside each colored line. 


“Honestly, is one color better or more important than another? 

Well, you may think so, but that’s just your opinion. 

No colors are good, bad, or better or worse than others. 

You may like one color more than another, but that’s just your taste versus someone else’s. 

Just like all colors are different and beautiful in their own way, all followers of Jesus are different but special and have their own unique purpose. 

The Bible tells us that all people who follow Jesus make up the Body of Christ, and we each have a special but different role in the Body. 

1 Corinthians 12:21 explains, “The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” Every Believer is different but important.”” 


“Just like we use different colors for different purposes, we are each different and made for different purposes. None of us are better or worse than others, we all are created differently so that we can work together to make one beautiful picture.” 


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