I am really excited about a new preteen series coming soon – Epic Fail. I spent all day Saturday with Chris Santos, our video guy, shooting segments for the video series. I even have a sunburn to prove it (we shot outside)! Epic Fail will be a six-week series helping preteens deal with failure. Preteens fail all the time – at school, home and on the playground. They often feel a lot pressure from parents, teachers, coaches and God (or even from themselves) to perform at a high standard. And when they don’t live up to those expectations, it can be devastating. The Epic Fail series will help preteens deal with failure in a healthy way. They’ll learn how God can shine through their failures, how God can help them learn from failure and much more.

I’m excited also about the video segments that will go along with the lessons. This is a first for us! It’s been months in the making. The series was written back in December and it has taken months to get the videos filmed and edited. Preteens live in a media driven world, so using video can help drive home the point in a powerful way. But when the entire teaching is on video, the human element is missing. That’s why we decided to only provide a 5-8 minute video segment in each lesson. The videos either open up the teaching or emphasize a particular point. And video segments are “cool” enough for preteens. No cheezy clowns or magic tricks!

We plan to release Epic Fail sometime later this month, so keep an eye out for it!

2 Replies to “Epic Fail – New Video Series for Preteens Coming Soon”

  1. chris spradlin
    • May 16, 2012

    I am all in on this series!! can’t wait to get this for my kiddos…

    If it would be helpful for me to do a review for you…I would love to!!

    I have a ton of parents that follow @epicparent.


  2. Sean
    • May 22, 2012

    Woohoo! It’s almost done!!!!! So excited!

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