In Episode 4 of the “Ask Nick” Preteen Ministry Podcast we tackle this question…

How do you get the “cool” preteen boys to particpate?

You know, those boys in your ministry who:

– Intentionally distract you and others.

– Unintentionally distract others because they’re “too cool” to participate.

– Are totally not paying attention to the lesson.

– Like to make jokes during discusstion time.

– Think farting or burping loudly is more interesting than what you have to say.

– Can’t sit still if their life depended on it.

I think you get the picture 🙂

This episode is jammed packed with tons of ideas on how to get preteen boys to:

Pay attention to any lesson.

Participate in discussion.

Engage with any message.

And so on.

Listen to the episode by clicking the play button on the bottom left of the below image.

In this episode I mentioned “Devin Supertramp” on YouTube. 

View His YouTube Channel Here

His videos are just one example of many that you can use to add “the cool” factor into any lesson. Just take a few minutes and think of ways to tie them into an upcoming lesson. You can also show videos like this on TV screens before/after service.

Here are some of my favorite Devin Supertramp Videos:

World’s Largest Zipline

World’s Most Insane Rope Swing Ever

Coolest Water Jetpack Ever


How have you grabbed the attention of preteen boys in your ministry?

Share your successes and failures with all of us by leaving a comment below.

Seriously…we can all learn from each other!


The Ask Nick podcast is your chance to ask Nick your preteen ministry questions.

Ask your preteen ministry question here on our Facebook page

Your question could be answered in an upcoming episode.


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4 Replies to “Ask Nick: How Do You Get the “Cool” Preteen Boys to Participate”

  1. Stephanie
    • March 20, 2015

    I love your advice! I have typically done a science experiment with my Tweens and related it to a bible lesson. For example: baking soda explosions show how we can “explode” for Christ. The problem is, I ran out of new experiments. Your page has given me more ideas. Thank you!

    1 Response
    1. Nick Diliberto
      • March 22, 2015

      Glad I could help 🙂 That’s a really great idea!

  2. Gwendolyn
    • March 23, 2015

    Such great ideas for guys and girls alike! Our preteens live in such a stimulated world, the physical aspect of the discussions can really help both groups! And many of the girls are as involved in dirt biking, snow boarding, surfing, etc. that they will hit both groups! I am excited to share this with our preteen teachers!

    1 Response

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