My wife’s favorite show is GLEE.  As a result I became a fan last season and just about every week watch the latest episode.  GLEE’s popularity has taken off and it’s a hot show now.  Funny thing is that many preteens are becoming fans.  This creates an issue for many parents though, due to GLEE addressing issue’s like teenage pregnancy, sex, etc.

So, what are we to do?  I have some thoughts about GLEE and preteens.  You might disagree and that’s okay.  Just my point of view, you may have another point of view.

First, it’s a parent decision.  On one side, some parents don’t want their preteens exposed to the mature issues that GLEE tackles.  On the other side, parent’s might use GLEE has a discussion starter to address those issues.  I have an 8 year old who is fast approaching 9 yrs old.  I personally wouldn’t let him watch GLEE.  However, I probably would if he were in 5th or 6th grade.   I wouldn’t let it all sink in without talking about filtering the content and using GLEE as a discussion board.

Second, as a preteen pastor I leave it in the hands of parents.  I don’t use GLEE to illustrate points in my talks because some parents would have a heart attack.  And frankly, only a few preteens in my group watch it.  If a preteen is an obvious fan, I will hold a conversation with him about the show.  I also don’t go railing against it telling preteens it is evil and encouraging parents to boycott the show.  I simply recognize it is out there and some preteens are into it.

Third, since I watch the show I can give feedback to parents.  Some parents might initiate conversation about GLEE and I can give them my thoughts.  I recommend you do the same.  Just watch the show so you know what it’s about in case parents want to talk about it with you.

Doubt that preteens across the country are flocking to GLEE.  Read this article on thestar.comIs Glee Too Racy for Tweens?

So, there are my thoughts on GLEE.  I missed this Tuesday’s episode.  First one all season that I didn’t watch.  Bummer.  Will have to go online and watch it.

Would love to get some feedback from you. Leave a comment and let us all know your thoughts on GLEE and preteens. – Creative & relevant resources for preteen ministry.