This is a great activity that preteens, especially boys, will love. Use it for camp, midweek or a weekend service. Do it just for fun or use it while talking about sin, emphasizing that we all “miss the mark”. I got the idea while at BC Foursquare Kids Camp this past summer. That’s where the pics and video came from. All the preteens had a really fun time with this!

Here’s what it looks like when it’s all done:

Here’s how to make it:

First, have preteens make the rockets by wrapping a wooden dowel with newspaper or magazine paper. Tape the ends together and take the dowel out. The dowel helps to make the round rocket shape. Then, cut out cardboard to make the fins. Tape them to rocket. Tape shut the top of the rocket and leave the bottom open.












Next, make the rocket launcher. See the first pic above for what it looks like when complete. Most likely, the activity leader should do this beforehand. It’s made out of PVC pipe. Multiple pieces are put together in the shape of an L. There should be an opening on both ends. On the end near the ground goes an empty 2 liter container. Be sure to have preteens blow it up and fill it with air. Then, put the rocket on the opening facing the sky. Tape two short PVC pieces on the launcher to make the legs. One preteen stomps on the 2 liter container while another aims the rocket at the target 20 feet or so away. Make the target by drawing one with sidewalk chalk. Have preteens see who can hit the bullseye.

Great activity!