Note: This is part one of two blog posts. Read part 2 – Hurricane Isaac and Preteens after reading this post.

As many of you know, I now live in New Orleans, which got hit hard by hurricane Isaac last week. The below pics were taken near my home, which had no damage (thank God).

Isaac was the 2nd biggest store to hit New Orleans since Katrina. Blocks from my Mandeville home businesses, cars and homes were flooded. LaPlace and Slidell, two cities surrounding New Orleans were hit really hard. They experienced massive amounts of flooding. leaving businesses and homes in shambles. 50% of Louisiana had no electricity for days after the storm. I went for four days with no power while we baked in the hot sun with a heat index of over 100 degrees. Entergy, the power company for most of New Orleans, dropped the ball leaving much of New Orleans without power for up to 5-6 day following the storm. Poor areas were affected by the lack of power the most because they lacked resources for food, water, medication and other important supplies.

The big take away: Live life with passion and purpose because you never know when the “storms of life” will hit.

Here are some pics taken just blocks from my house: