I like to go over the top in everything I do in preteen ministry. I like the WOW factor and want to do things with excellence. But sometimes I go overboard. One year at a weekend preteen retreat, I spent hours planning tons of cool games. They were very sophisticated and took up lots of prep time, but I thought they were all sure to be a hit. When the retreat rolled around, I gave preteen the option of doing one of the over the top games or a simple game called Fingerblaster War. They chose Fingerblaster War and loved it. We never even had the opportunity to play the other games because they wanted to play Fingerblaster War over and over. I could have spent time connecting with leaders or preteens instead of planning the other “cool” games we never even played. 









After this experience, I started to simplify the events we hosted. Offering simple opportunities for preteens to connect with one another is what they really want. They don’t need to be entertained with the coolest and most relevant event in town. Basic stuff can be very effective and it allows leaders the opportunity to focus on building relationships with preteens rather than focusing on running the event. Some easy but effective ideas are laser tag, the movies, the mall, swimming party, video game night, inflatable parties, and group games at the park. Think simple. 


Yes, some of the events posted on the website are very detail oriented. But don’t throw them out the window because they’ve been proven to be real successful. Be careful how much time you give to planning events and resist the urge to go always go bigger and better. Keep it simple.