Long before PreteenMinistry.net existed was a resource site PreteenMin.com, which has some really great resources for those leading preteen ministries. The name of the organization is CDM International. Every time I talk with Clint May, it’s creator, he’s telling me another story of how preteens are making an impact in the community. After each conversation, I am inspired at what God can do in and through preteens!

Clint has put together a really great training program for preteen called Leaders In Training. But more about that in a minute. We recently got a chance to do a Q & A session together and wanted to share it with you:

Tell us a little about yourself and your experience as a preteen leader.

I have been working with preteens and children for the past 22 years. The last ten years of ministry have been quiet amazing as I have witnessed the Lord doing amazing things in the lives of preteens.  I am married and have six children and four grandchildren.

Give us a some background on why and how you started CDM International.

CDM was begun as a result of God’s blessing on the ministry. We started the LIT program in the summer of 2002 working directly with the children of our church. God had bigger plans than we could ever imagine. In 2005 we set up CDM (Children Discipleship Ministries) as a personal business. In 2010 the Lord lead us to establish a non profit organization to better meet the needs of the local church and internationally. We are a non-denominational ministry committed to serve the church internationally.

Tell us about the L.I.T. program.

LIT (Leaders in Training) has two unique aspects. First, preteens develop the spiritual disciplines of daily prayer, worship, Bible study, Lordship to Christ, evangelism, gifts and ministry and living a life of obedience to Christ.

Second, is ministry training. We train and equip preteens for ministry in the church, community and mission field. Preteens can choose an area to train (puppets, drama, dance, dowel, tech, etc) and the church creatively finds avenues for them to use their training in ministry. The ultimate goal is to equip and empower them in ministry.

What are some other resources you offer preteen leaders?

Coming in February is “The Gift” it is a curriculum written for preteens to teach children the Gospel message. The Gift has been outlined in a way which is perfect for preteens to be able to effectively teach it to their friends and those who have not heard the message of Christ. It is the only curriculum we know of that is written simple enough for children to teach children.

The Journey: Beginning Your Walk With Christ is a new Christian material. It was written as a took to help preteens begin their walk of faith.

Thanks Clint for sharing what you’re doing to equip preteen ministries around the world! If you haven’t yet gotten a chance to check out CDM International, be sure to sometime today – www.preteenmin.com