There are so many images that come to mind when we think of Easter – the cross, tomb, eggs, lambs…
But the beauty of a sunrise, a new day, is an awesome symbol of the resurrection of Jesus.
Use this Easter lesson to show preteens that a sunrise reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world.
– Nick Diliberto, Preteen Ministry
Bottom Line: A sunrise reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world.
Bible: John 8:12
- Flashlight
Ask: Which do you think is more powerful, light or darkness?
Let your students share any ideas.
Next, have a student turn off the lights in your room.
After it’s been dark a few seconds, turn on a flashlight and ask the students the same questions as before.
Say: When Jesus died on the cross the sky became dark.
Days later when Jesus rose from the dead it was early in the morning.
What might be symbolic about Jesus coming back to life during the morning sunrise?
Let your students brainstorm out loud about this question.
Offer them some ideas such as – The morning represents a new start; The morning means the sun is coming up; The morning means that there was light again, and Jesus is light.
Say: Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Jesus uses light to represent Himself.
What is the significance of light?”
Let them discuss this out loud.
After giving them some time to think about this, offer some ideas such as, “Light lets us see things clearly so we are safe and know what’s real and true; Light helps things grow; Light keeps things alive by keeping them warm, etc.”
No matter how dark a place is, light is always more powerful and will shine through the darkness.
Say: Because Jesus rose back to life at sunrise, sunrises should remind us that Jesus’ rising again started a new way of life—just like a sunrise starts a new day.
That morning, Jesus conquered death so all people could have a relationship with God through Him.
Also, sunrises remind us that Jesus is the light of the world and through him we clearly can see what’s right and true.
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