Here’s an awesome “just for fun” game for your preteen ministry!

Watch the video below to see the game in action and for a full explanation of how to play.
NOTIFY ME the next time we release fun games like this one.

By the way, this weekend I will be in Chicago at the Kidmin Conference leading a half-track on Preteen Ministry.

If you happen to be attending the conference, be sure to say hi to me.

Have a great week!

Nick Diliberto, The Preteen Ministry Guy

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Ritz Blitz


5 Replies to “Preteen Game: Tug-Oh-Face”

  1. Jay Safford
    • September 22, 2015

    I tried this and the panty hose kept breaking, they snapped at the knot. Did you use a certain brand? I used the cheap ones, maybe I need to upgrade?

    1 Response
    1. Nick Diliberto
      • September 25, 2015

      The trick is the get the waist pantyhose and cut them in half (one for two).

  2. chris
    • September 29, 2015

    why cut them at the toes?

  3. Andrea
    • September 30, 2015

    We can’t figure out what kind of hose your usung

    1 Response
    1. Nick Diliberto
      • October 13, 2015

      Pantyhose with waist attached. Get the cheap kind.

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