Check out’s first solo podcast.  Hear all about a super cool midweek preteen gathering called STEAM that Mark Friestad leads in Carlsbad, CA.  And stay tuned for more podcasts to come your way.  Our goal is to give you one a month. Enjoy! – Creative & relevant resources for preteen ministry.

2 Replies to “Preteen Ministry Podcast: STEAM”

  1. Michael Branton
    • August 10, 2010

    Thanks for doing this! Very good insight and thoughts. I’m a preteen Pastor in Arizona and I had a question for Mark about STEAM. Not sure if this is where I should ask it but I’ll give it a try.

    Mark, with the 6 week leaders and with student switching groups how have your leaders done at forming relationships with the students? Just from listening it sounds like this is a great format for you so I’m interested in knowing how your adults and and students interact during this mid week.

    Side note… I would love to come out and visit both of you guys and see your ministry in action sometime if you would allow me the honor. I’ve been full time now for 2 years and still feel like I’m learning the ropes of preteen. If that’s possible I would love an email with possible dates.

    Thanks again,
    Mike b.

  2. Nick Diliberto
    • August 10, 2010


    I would love to have you come out. Send me some dates. I will get Mark’s email to you so you can connect with him. Good question for sure!

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