Preteen Summit
A group of preteen pastors have become great friends of mine over the past year or so. They consist of the co-founders of FourFiveSix. Over the summer, the team got together in Colorado and talked about the upcoming year. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make it. But some really exciting things are on the drawing board for the next 12 months.
First, we’ll be writing a book on preteen ministry. Super excited about this one! There’s been only a few books written on the topic and it has been quite awhile since one was published. After reviewing the outline, we’ll be saying some things that haven’t been said before. We won’t present a “cookie cutter” approach to doing preteen ministry. Instead we’ll each share our thoughts, philosophy and experiences. It’s going to be great!
Second, we’ll be coordinating two preteen ministry conferences in 2011. We are talking with Group Publishing about coordinating the preteen track at their KidMin Conference in Chicago, IL on Oct. 7-11, 2011. Plus, FourFiveSix will work together to host the Preteen Leaders Conference in Rocklin, CA. In the past Sean Sweet hosted it. Earlier this year we helped him a little, but in 2011 we’ll be working together as a team. As time goes on, we’ll be be hosting more conferences in other parts of the country.
Thirdly, we will be developing a preteen leaders network. I will spearhead the project and am currently brainstorming what it will look like. The basic concept is to connect preteen leaders both online and face to face with FourFiveSix being the hub. If you have any ideas or want to be connected to other preteen leaders, email me at [email protected]
I’m super stoked about the upcoming year with FourFiveSix. Also really pumped up about X-Zone, our preteen ministry, in the fall. Finally going to launch a website for the group; planned out my talks through December; events are going to be really exciting and have some new team members volunteering. Also been working with Group Publishing on some freelance projects, which consist of a new product they’ll launch in December – Throw N Tell Balls and a new book they’ll be publishing. – Creative resources for preteen ministry.