This is sort of a follow up to my post – Preteens: Seeing God in Creation. In that post, I described a preteen worship idea that I hijacked from my friend, Jim Kast-Keat.

My thinking is to explore ways to stretch the idea of worship beyond just signing a song. Why? For a couple of reasons. First, I can’t seem to recruit a worship team or worship leader and I am not gifted in that area. Second, because worship extends much farther and wider than just singing songs. I’m exploring ways for preteens to engage in interactive worship experiences.

This is a new world for me. I asked my friend Sean Sweet, who hosts the Preteen Leaders Conference, if he could share an idea.

Here’s what Sean said:

I played the first 2 and a half minutes of part of the video that Jim used – – as an example for the preteens, and then played a song for them to reflect and create in the same way on paper. I used House of God, Forever by Jon Foreman and had the words on the screen. They created some pretty cool stuff – some using words and some using pictures, but all reflecting on the idea in the song.

I love that idea so much that I’m going to use it this Wednesday night.  Good stuff!

And if you are looking for some good worship music for preteens, check out  Click here and read my blog post about Yancy.  On that post, you’ll learn about a special promotion available only to those a part of the community.

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