[Preview] New Devotional From Yancy – Jesus Music Box

You want the preteens in your ministry to nurture their relationship with God.

After all, that relationship is at the core of what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

A really effective way to do that is through a daily devotional.

The problem is that there aren’t many devotionals out there that are preteen friendly. They’re often too kiddie or too mature for preteens.


Yancy’s new 12 week daily devotional for preteens – Jesus Music Box.

Yancy’s style is definitely preteen friendly. In fact, she tours with SuperStart leading worship in front of thousands of preteens every year. She knows how to connect preteens to Jesus!

Yancy has a heart to see preteens turn up the volume of Jesus in their everyday lives.

In fact, that’s why she created Jesus the Music Box Devotional.

Topics include: standing up for Christ, how God provides, prayer, why we worship, the promise that God is always with us, and more.

For those who purchase the devotional, Yancy is giving away something FREE. 

This is an exclusive FREEBIE to the PreteenMinistry.net community.

You’ll get the music video – “Not Ashamed” – for FREE!

Simply enter this promo code in the comment section at checkout – preteensrock

If you purchase more than one devotional, you save by getting them in packs:

Here’s a sneak peek into one day of the devotional: