Looking for a last minute summer game or activity? Bam, here you go! Here is a great summer game for your preteen or youth ministry. Enjoy!

Object: The object of this game is to divide students into two teams and play Red Light, Green Light. The big difference is that students are going to get soaked!

Supplies: Water Hose, water guns, water buckets, 2 small kiddie pools, orange cones

How to play: Divide the students into teams and explain that they will be playing a relay version of the red light, green light game. Teams have to stand in a line by their cone and have to remain standing until everyone on their team has completed the relay. When the entire team has completed the relay, they should sit down.

One player from each team will play against each other and listen to the instructions of the leader. If they move on the wrong instruction, they will get soaked! Green light means to move forward and red light means to freeze.

The team that has the least amount of people soaked wins the entire challenge!


  • You could also play this game as one large group instead of teams, eliminating and soaking players who move after the leader says “red light”.
  • Give other instructions other than “red light”, such as “spin around”, “jump up and down”, “rub your stomach and pat your head”, etc.
  • You could also substitute the “green light” instructions with: “jump on one leg”, “walk like a frog”, “roll forward on the ground”, etc.

Break It Down

Scripture: Proverbs 1:5 (NCV) – “Wise people can also listen and learn;
even they can find good advice in these words.”

Main Point: Each of us is in a constant state of learning. We are learning how to love others; we are learning how to treat others; and we all make a choice whether or not to follow what the word of God says. God says in Proverbs that a wise person will listen and add to their learning. By listening, we receive guidance and discernment. You may have experienced a time when you thought you knew more than your parent’s did about something, and you ended up getting hurt because you chose not to listen. God doesn’t want you to get hurt. He doesn’t want you to hang out with the wrong crowd, and He doesn’t want you to have to learn the hard way. Each of us is given the freedom of choice to obey our parents, teachers, and—most importantly—God. Some of us make wrong choices because of peer pressure or even because we just want things our way. But if you want to be wise, God tells you to open your ears and LISTEN!


2 Replies to “Summer Game: Crazy Water Relay”

  1. Tracy
    • July 18, 2013

    I LOVE Preteen Ministry.net!!! Thank you for your blogs, ideas, curriculum, games and more!! You have been a blessing to our new preteen Ministry!!! Thank you!!!!!!

    1 Response
    1. Nick Diliberto
      • July 18, 2013

      Tracy, glad to help you…we love you too!

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