Human Sundae is a great summer activity to use at camp or any other summer event. Preteens love getting messy, so this is perfect! The best way to do a Human Sundae with a large group is relay style. Break up the large group into smaller teams of 6-8 preteens. Designate one preteen to be the human sundae and the others to put on the toppings. The first player in each team races to put on the topping, then tags the next player to put on the next topping. Continue until one team finishes first, declaring them the winners, or just do it for fun. Toppings in the video include: chocolate ice cream, whipped cream, canned cherries, Twix bar, Coke and marshmallows. You can also add these toppings: nuts and chocolate syrup (be careful…it stains).

2 Replies to “Human Sundae”

  1. Michelle Gregory
    • June 26, 2012

    We did this at our final preteen mid-week celebration at the end of the school year and I let the winning team from the night build a sundae on my head. They LOVED it!!! Don’t forget the baby pool or plastic tarp for easy cleanup!!!

    1 Response

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