One of the most difficult parts of preteen ministry is keeping your leaders fresh and equipped for the task at hand. We kick-off the year with a huge training event, and we host periodic training events throughout the year. But I always wish we could do more.

When I read a great article or blog on preteen ministry, I want to pass that on to volunteers to encourage them.  When I read a great book that deals directly with the series we’re doing, I want to pass that book to the leaders to equip them.

But how?

This year, we launched The Library. It is basically just a bookshelf in our preteen area, but on it are books, articles, and other pieces that are designed to encourage and equip our preteen leadership team. We look for resources that will help leaders to grow spiritually, help leaders understand preteens, or help leaders develop skills as a leaders/teacher. We don’t require them to use these resources, but we strongly encourage them to check out at least one resource during the year. The resources are there for their use…at their convenience. They can take any resource and keep it for as long as they need to When they’re done with it, they return it and take another resource. They can also add resources to share with other leaders. . If they read a good book or see an interesting article, they know that putting it in The Library is the best way to share it with others.

The Library has been a great help for our ministry. Our goal is not just to fill the volunteer spots that we have in ministry. We want to build up leaders and equip them to serve at church and at home. That’s a really hard task when people are so busy and can’t make it to tons of meetings. These resources in The Library are helping us meet the challenge.

Matt Morgan is the Preteen Pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock, AR. You can check out Matt’s preteen ministry blog at is passionate about seeing this age group grow in their faith and serve others. He is husband to a wonderful wife, Dana, and father to an amazing little girl, Maggie. Matt is on our writing team here at He writes our subscriber content and has authored a couple of our preteen series.

2 Replies to “The Library: Resources for Our Preteen Leaders”

  1. ndiliberto
    • February 1, 2012

    Great concept Matt. I would like to add the power of social media and online resources to the library concept. Anytime I read a helpful blog or find a good online article, I forward it to my leaders. I also connect with leaders on facebook and twitter. Anytime I come across something good, I share it with them and all my friend/followers to see.

  2. Nick Bremmer
    • February 3, 2012

    Online media is definitely what I prefer. It’s easier to send out articles or videos via email, Facebook or Twitter. Plus, I think that atricles are much more appealing to students or adults nowadays because they are shorter and make for a quick read or view. The students especially enjoy the videos I post.

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