A huge challenge preteen leaders (and any church leader) face is motivating students to put their faith into action.  Is it possible that our church model actually gets in the way?  Isn’t our Christian faith more than simply hearing what it means to follow Jesus?  Could it be that our method of communication is our message?  In other words, our method of programming communicates a message that sinks in deeper than the words we say.  Christianity is about DOING, not just KNOWING.  Students don’t need to KNOW more, but DO more. It’s important that we do more than communicate truth, but create an environment that allows students to explore the Bible, ask questions, encounter God, worship Jesus in more ways than just singing, serve the community and more!

Listen below as Nick Diliberto, creator of PreteenMinistry.net, talks with Jim Kast-Keat, Preteen Pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church about: THE METHOD IS THE MESSAGE.

This podcast is a recording of a broadcast called FourFiveSix On-the-Air on CM Connect Radio.  FourFiveSix is a group dedicated to helping your preteen ministry take the next step. FourFiveSix On-the-Air goes lives every other Thursdays. Join Nick Diliberto, your host, as he interviews leaders from FourFiveSix as they talk about various preteen ministry topics.  Listen to our next show live as Nick interviews Nate Cummings, a preteen pastor in Northern California: Thursday, April 14 at 12pm EST/3pm PST.