It can be difficult to find good preteen curriculum.  Let’s be honest, it can be difficult to do preteen ministry, right?  I recognize there are many options when looking for effective preteen curriculum, but wanted to share with you the benefits of the preteen curriculum we provide here at

Before I get started, let me tell you why we even offer preteen curriculum.  I started preteen ministry over 12 years ago and at the time there were limited resources available.  Resources were either too old or too young.  I found myself having to spend tons of time editing what I purchased.  So, I begun to create my own content.  By trail and error, I developed preteen curriculum and a way of doing preteen ministry that was effective.  After about 10 years of leading preteens, I decided to share what I learned with leaders around the world through

But we didn’t offer preteen curriculum right away.  We started out providing various content for preteen leaders.  About a year ago is when we begun to offer preteen curriculum.  The response was phenomenal!  We now have a fantastic team of preteen curriculum writers and an editor.  We aren’t the only option when it comes to preteen curriculum, but we do provide high quality series.

So, what are the benefits to our preteen curriculum?

First, our preteen curriculum is written by preteen leaders. All the writers lead preteen ministries and use the curriculum with their groups.  They don’t work for a publisher and rely on second hand research to come up with content.  They work with preteens everyday.  They know the struggles preteens face and  how to effectively communicate to 4th,5th & 6th graders.  Our preteen curriculum is written by leaders who know preteens.

Second, our preteen curriculum is creative and diverse. Many curriculums get stuck in a rut.  After using it for awhile, it’s just more of the same.  Preteens get bored if the same format is presented to them over and over.  Each writer is very different and diverse in their communication style.  Each series has a unique flavor because it’s written by a different author, which keeps the preteen curriculum fresh.  Not the best for branding and marketing purposes, but is very effective for long term use with preteens.

Third, our curriculum is preteen exclusive. We know preteens.  We know what makes them tick and how to reach them.  But we don’t claim to know junior high students nor younger elementary kids.  So, we only offer preteen curriculum.  Nothing else.  We’re exclusively dedicated to providing you resources for 4th,5th and 6th graders.  Therefore, you can trust that our curriculum is going to be top notch and preteen targeted.

Fourth, our preteen curriculum is relevant. We get in the world of a preteen and meet them there.  We communicate in a way they understand and speak their language.  We address preteen specific topics, like bullying and many others.  We provide you with graphics that are age appropriate and PowerPoint slides for each lesson.  Many of our lessons use video clips from current movies.  An element of fun is in each lesson.  Preteens aren given an opportunity to question and explore.  Our curriculum is relevant.

Fifth, our preteen curriculum is in real time. We don’t have to go through a very long process when creating content.  Once it is written, we publish it online.  That allows us to stay relevant to preteen culture.  As culture shifts and moves, we can provide curriculum that moves along with it.  The truth we communicate never changes, but the way we present it will always be changing.

Sixth, our preteen curriculum is adaptable. All the lessons come in Microsoft Word.  You can adapt it to fit your ministry and quickly send it out to leaders.

Lastly, our preteen curriculum is downloadable.  No more waiting for days to get your lessons or paying for shipping.  Everything is an instant download, so you can get going right away.

See for yourself why ministries from around the world are using our preteen curriculum.  Browse today and download some free samples.