“Uncertainty is what goes on in your head, your heart, your gut as you strive to create anything truly extraordinary.” – Jonathan Fields, author of Uncertianty
When the first disciples started to follow Jesus, the path was filled with uncertainty. But they were compelled to move forward.
When Abraham was told to leave town with his family and belongings, the future was uncertain. Yet, he followed God’s voice anyway.
When Noah was told to build an ark, he had to trust God. He had to follow God into the unknown.
The first version of a popular social network website was launched eight years ago, in February of 2004. It’s creator was 20 year-old Harvard student, Mark Zuckerburg, who had a compelling vision. There was no guarantee of success. Now a billionaire at 28 years-old, he is the CEO of one of the largest websites in the world – Facebook.
When we follow Jesus, we enter a life of uncertainty. He calls us to take risks and follow Him into the unknown. If we’ll lean on Him, we’ll overcome the fear and doubt that’s associated with uncertainty. If we try to push through on our own will-power, we’re more likely to crash and burn. Being a follower of Jesus means a life in the unknown.
When we step into the role of leading preteens, we also enter uncertainty. Preteens are unpredictable. One minute the group is paying close attention to your every word, then a simple distraction diverts their attention. Their unpredictable energy is off the map and can sometimes leave you exhausted. Sometimes small group discussion is deep and thoughtful, and other times you get nothing but a bunch of blank stares. Preteens are unpredictable, therefore leading a preteen ministry is full of uncertainty.
Uncertainty is present in all worthwhile pursuits. So, get excited! You’re doing something great with your precious time and energy. Your life matters. You have a purpose. You’re changing the world. Don’t get discouraged. Keep up the great work!
8 Replies to “Uncertainty”
Paul Mallory
Thanks for the encouraging boost!!
Glad to give you a boost 🙂
Carolyn Crowell
A great word of encouragement, forwarded it to my team of volunteers.
Jo tetteh
Thank you for this encouraging word from God as I was just seconds before reading it questioning why and if I am for filling his will for my life when I have such uncertainty about what I’m doing.
Wow! Cool.
Nick Bremmer
Uncertainty is definitely the word I was looking for. As we we’re starting our preteen ministry, excitement is filling the air of the church. But during these past couple of months, I have had my moments of uncertainty and worry. My wife and the students encourage me to keep going but every once in a while it is great to read something like this. Thanks for sharing and thanks for you ministry!
Keep on going in the face of uncertainty, fear and doubt! It’s gonna rock!
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