We live in a media saturated society.  Preteens are connected to some type of media everyday.  TV, internet, cell phone (which has almost replaced the need for a laptop), texting, iTunes, movies and video games are all a way of life for the average preteen.  If you have a gauge on today’s culture, you know media is here to stay.  It has completely transformed how people communicate with each other and the church needs to pay attention.  Here are a few ways to use media in preteen ministry.

1.  Get an iPod and hook it up to your sound system.
Get a wireless receiver that connects the iPod to the computer in the room.  Doing this creates wireless control of all music being played in the room.  No need to recruit a volunteer to play music, and you have full control of what’s being played no matter where you’re at in the room.

2.  Create a parent email newsletter using a service like Constant Contact. 
Collect emails from parents, dump them into Constant Contact and send out great looking e-newsletters once a month.  They have tons of templates to choose from. 

3.  Use Media Shout and/or PowerPoint.  Buy some inexpensive video editing equipment and a video camera to shoot short videos to reinforce your messages. Stop relying on curriculum for all the creative stuff. If you’re not very tech savvy, then recruit somebody who is.

4.  Show a video clip of a current preteen movie to reinforce the lesson. 
Create your own or use some on PreteenMinistry.net.

5.  Record TV shows that are popular like iCarly and show scenes to spark discussion or as an opener for a lesson.

6.  Create a text message list of all preteens who have a cell phone with texting.
Might have to get parents permission on this one. Next, send a general text message once a week to everyone.  Could be a Bible verse or word of encouragement.  Anything will do.

How do you use media in preteen ministry?  Love to get your feedback.  Click on the comment link below and give us your ideas.