I’ve always been a fan of using video to reach preteens. I discovered the magic in the early days of leading. If I put anything on the screen, it instantly grabbed their attention. I don’t think you need a “why” to using video. If you know the world of preteens, you get that it is a powerful tool. The question becomes how.

I asked some of my preteen pastor friends to share how they use video. I thought I would be able to share all the responses in one post. But I got enough content to publish a book! Ok, maybe not. But I did get a lot of great examples that will be shared with you over multiple posts. As I read their responses, I got really excited about sharing them with you.

Mike Sheley leads a preteen ministry at Mount Pleasant Christian Church. Here’s how he uses video:

Music videos and event promo videos play 15 minutes leading up to our service countdown.

A 3-minute countdown gets everyone in place and ready to go for each service.

Illustrations: We use everything from movie clips to specific illustration videos during our teaching.

Memories: We video and take photos each day at camp and play a 3-minute highlight video to start the following day. Then we combine these for a highlight video of the week of camp. We do the same with other events, conferences, etc.

Teaching: We have used videos in place of the large group teacher a few times from curriculum like LifeChurch. Check out LifeChurch’s free videos for preteens – http://lifekids.lifechurch.tv/loop.

Curriculum: With curriculum like SuperStart, LifeChurch, and Flyte video clips are part of the lesson.

Virtual Visits: We have plans to video people to allow them to be special guests in our services. One plan involves videoing our senior pastor, worship pastor and members of our worship team to introduce students to those they’ll see leading them in the main church services to help turn “those people” into named friends.