Sorry, video replay no longer available.

Thursday, March 12 we hosted a live online training called: “How to Focus the Distracted Minds of Preteens”

We posted a replay of the video training here, but it is no longer available to view.

Also, we released a special offer in conjunction with the training, which is no longer available as well.

However, be on the lookout for more live online training like this coming soon.

List of Resources

During the training we mentioned several helpful resources.

Here’s a list of them all:

“Ask Nick” Preteen Ministry Podcast

Ask your preteen ministry question here on our Facebook page.

Best Story Ever – A free video lesson we created presenting the “Gospel Message”  to preteens

Videos for Student Ministry

Videos for Youth

Digital Felt

Worship House Kids


Also, don’t forget about YouTube, which has tons of videos you can use for preteen ministry (opening videos, countdown videos, music videos, teaching videos, etc). The best thing to do is enter search terms like: youth group videos, youth group opening videos, youth group countdown videos, etc.

Webinar Goodies

We’ve also made available the chat box dialogue and PowerPoint presentation available to you here:

Download PowerPoint Presentation from the webinar

Download Chat Box Dialogue (in Excel spreadsheet)


A big thanks for all that attended the training live!

I really enjoyed the experience and loved the opportunity to interact with you.

Nick Diliberto, The Preteen Ministry Guy


2 Replies to “Online Training Replay: How to Focus the Distracted Minds of Preteens”

  1. Ranae
    • March 18, 2015

    Thank you for making all this available till today; I needed it again! This was very valuable.

    1 Response
    1. Nick Diliberto
      • March 18, 2015

      Sure thing. Glad you found it helpful!

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